Termék megnevezése: Donau Evolution

Felhasználási területek
Gáz- és levegőtisztítás, Ivóvíztisztítás, Klórmentesítés, Szagmentesítés, Szennyvízkezelés

Ívóvízkezelés, Szennyvíztisztítás, Uszodatechnika, Vegyipar

Donau ®Evolution – creative solutions for the future!

Challenges and process improvements at our customers require creative ideas.

Many years of experience, in house research & development and application engineers result in reliable product qualities for our customers.

Donau Evolution is a variety of products made of approved and new precipitation agents from our production combined with biologically important additives.

Donau ®Evolution
Donau Evolution flex Donau Evolution duo
Donau Evolution power Donau Evolution activ
Donau Evolution activ plus Donau Evolution powerfloc

You want to optimize your gas yield?

Donau Evolution power

Odour and corrosion should be no topic for you?

Donau Evolution power

You have changing challenges in your water treatment process and you are looking for creative solutions?

Donau Evolution flex / duo / power / activ  / activ plus / powerfloc 

You have an emergency at your plant and need immediate help?

Donau Evolution powerfloc 

Product qualities complying with norms for drinking water treatment are important for you?

Donau Evolution flex / duo / power / activ  / activ plus

You are searching for alternative, new ideas for your waste water treatment?

Donau Evolution flex / duo 
Donauchem Kft Bányalég u. 37-43
+36 1 207 8000
+36 1 207 2767
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